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Member organisation(s):
IARP, Izba Architektów R.P.
Polish Chamber of Architects
Obligation to insure?
Yes (There is compulsory insurance for all register
architects limited to 50.000 EUR)
Legal Obligation to insure?
Yes, (law of 15 December 2000)
Legal Basis:
Commonly used Term and Conditions:
law of 15 December 2000
What are the requirements needed in order to obtain
an Insurance?
Membership in IARP, Professional Licence
Calculation of insurance premium:
Based on fixed price
Contractual liability:
Liabilities before and/or during the works: Yes
Responsible for any design defects.
Not responsible in respect of the budget or in respect of
the programme.
The end of the construction phase as a point of
departure for a period of specific liabilities?
No. Later discovery of defects may prolong the possible
claim period.
Liabilities after work:
Indeterminate liability during the period but programme
prescribed for the claim of liability:
3 years from knowledge of the damage and 10 years
maximum from its having arisen
Forms of Insurance contract:
Subscription contract for all liabilities in a
predefined period
Cover for architect in a specific project
Cover for the all professionals in a project
The above pertains to the contracts made individually with
the insurers, beyond the required standard level.
Joint and several (in solidum) liability:
Does the insurer respond to a claims made or claims rising
For the standard contract “Claim Committed” rule applied
Insurances / Agents:
PZU* is the major player who provides the standard
liability insurance for architects in Poland
(*Państwowy Zakład Ubezpieczeń)
Duration of Liability:
Professional client:
Variable (Basically 10 years from completion of works)
Consumer client:
Liability during and after construction:

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