Aims and scope
Aim of the WG
- Bring the Urban Competences of ACE under a single lead – Quality of Urban Life.
- Underline the positive impact of quality architecture in climate change mitigation and prevention, sustainable urban mobility, housing, urban design, heritage preservation, adaptive re-use and the promotion of social cohesion.
- Investigate and discuss the positive overlaps across WGs and Thematic Areas, connected to the New European Bauhaus (NEB) flow, targeting the built environment at all levels: buildings, neighbourhoods and the city scale.
- Connect to complementary domains and organisations to architect’s line of work (built heritage, urban planning, landscape, mobility, civic movements, political and public administration).
- Deliver concise implementable design objectives.
Main areas of interest
- New European Bauhaus (NEB).
- Urban transformation processes and affordable housing.
- Cultural Heritage and Adaptive re-use of buildings and landscapes.
- Climate change, urban resilience, and mobility.
Planned focus and key activities
- New European Bauhaus (NEB)
- Support the NEB and promote quality in design.
- Urban Transformation – Urban renewal and regeneration
- Key references include: OMC Reports, Davos Baukultur quality indicators system, land-use done right! (Landluft Austria), EU Urban Agenda.
- Responsible treatment of built and unbuilt landscapes by architects
- Quality and affordability of the living environment, principles for investments
- Climate change response – natural disasters prevention and preparation through planning and architecture
- Limiting towards zero of land-intake for settlements expansion, facilitating urban re-use of built plots and buildings
- Digitalisation in urban management
- Sustainable mobility
- Housing as main driver of urban quality
- Social access and participation of residents to the transformation processes – (BXL Contracts de Cartier model and CLT – Community Land Trusts)
- Quality indicators systems for the main levels: city, neighbourhood, building
- Density and mixture of uses as the road to sustainability – respecting quality factors
- Cultural Heritage and Adaptive Re-use of buildings and landscapes
- Reinforce membership and ACE’s role in the EU networks such as the EU Cultural Heritage Alliance.
- Integrate cultural heritage values in contemporary use and needs, following a critical perspective on protection instruments.
- Promote adaptive re-use as current strategy for preservation, sustainability and circular economy. Further focus on Ares of Urban Transformation (brownfields, urban regeneration)
- The European Culture Plan and the actions of the EU Urban Agenda Culture Partnership
Main tasks
- Draft recommendations for a better living environment and investments quality indicators set and collect a data base of similar initiatives – promote architecture specifically as a key factor.
- Participate in calls and events, based on ACEs current policy.
- Revise the ACE Publication on Quality of Life.
Meetings: 10/12 per annum
Membership: 22