Aims and scope of the WG
Aim of the WG
- Promote the higher levels of practice in public procurement and design contests in the EU and beyond.
- Provider for procedures which are clearly focused on quality with the application of the most economically advantageous tender for awarding of contracts.
- Facilitate and strongly promote the widest possible access of smaller architectural firms to public contracts.
Main area of interest
- Public procurement
- Architectural design contests
Planned focus and key activities
- Develop a position on the benefits of open competitions versus invited competitions.
- Develop best practice document for local authorities.
- Prepare for review of the Public Procurement Directive (PPD)
- Monitor and support decisions around the International Procurement Instrument (IPI) and Government Procurement Agreement (GPA).
- Follow up Arch-E – Creative Europe project on Architectural Design Competitions (ADC).
- Follow up EU Green Public Procurement criteria for buildings.
Meetings: 2/3 meetings per annum
Membership: 61 participants