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Work Group

Heritage Working Group (Heritage WG)

Chair: Stefano Musso | Vice Chair: Waclaw Szarejko

Aims and scope of the WG

Aim of the WG

  • Create guidelines and recommendations for maintenance, conservation, adaptation, reuse of modern heritage, adapting it to the new requirements and needs.
  • Contribute new and specific insights, as operating architects, to existing guidelines and documents issued by international bodies (UNESCO, ICOMOS, Getty foundation, etc.)

Main area of interest

The WG will focus on three key issues or problematic areas:

Knowledge and understanding

  • A focus on modern heritage, a less studied and understood part of heritage.

Recognition and/or attribution of values

  • Modern heritage is often neglected or characterized by conflictual values and contrasting collective memories, due to political, historical and social reasons linked to its origins.

Technological and technical possible answers for preserving/adapting modern heritage

  • Many difficulties emerge when intervening on modern buildings due to particular characteristics and differences existing in terms of:
    • Scale (single building or architectural complexes and compounds)
    • Typology (residential dwellings, hospitals, offices, productivity, etc.)
    • Constructive features (materials, elements, structures, etc.)
    • Environmental context (place, orography, climate, etc.)

Planned focus and key activities

  • Collect the several documents on modern Cultural Built Heritage issued by different cultural organisations and international bodies (UNESCO, ICOMOS, etc.).
  • Survey on existing censuses, repositories, catalogues on Modern Heritage, in each Country.
  • Collect examples of good practices of maintenance, restoration, reuse and adaptation, retrofitting of Modern or recent Heritage in different Countries.
  • Collect the research developed on the topic in the most recent years at national and international levels.

Strategic context 2024/2025

  • Explore the concept of Modern and Recent Heritage and how this is perceived, protected or neglected in Europe.
    • Assessed through the creation of a questionnaire based on the New European Bauhaus (NEB) guidelines to explore how values and ambitions can be applied to heritage.

Meetings: 10 meetings per annum

Participants: 12 participants


  • Stefano



  • Waclaw



Policy positions & key reference documents


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