Aims and scope of the WG
Aim of the WG
- Ensure inclusivity of architects in Digital Transition.
- Safeguard Professional Autonomy – preserve the value of architecture in the digital transition
- Evaluate the surge of BIM-related standards to ensure their relevance
- Advocate for balanced BIM related policies at EU level.
Main area of interest
- Economic and professional impact of BIM
- Data ownership and control
- Education and continuing professional development (CPD) to equip professionals in digital transition
Planned focus and key activities
- Develop a white paper on ACE position on digitalisation and BIM
- Develop a position on how to implement ISO 19650 series
- Follow up on ACE/European Federation of Engineering Consultancy (EFCA)’s Position Paper to the European Commission on BIM
- Participate in the further development of CEN TC 442
Meetings: 2 per annum
Membership: 42 participants