At present, there is no clear understanding or a definition of the concept of BIM. Does it mean 3D models, is it a tool, is it a process, is it a method, or is it a business model? The questions are manifold and this is reflected in multiple definitions to be found in the construction industry. The current answer is that the concept of BIM encompasses a little of everything. The purpose of this guide is to give some answers on how to deal with the challenge of rapidly progressing digitization in the construction industry. This guide is about what we can do now to bring value to architects, projects, partners and our clients who are working in a fast-evolving digital environment: How can architects improve their IT capabilities and expand their traditionally visual, geometry-based form of communication to include alphanumeric data associated with BIM models and data objects/building parts?
The guide aims to give advice on how to deal with challenges that emerge when a project is to be designed using BIM and provide an example of what can be considered as established practice when working with 3D software and BIM related processes.
ACE believes it is of value to establish a shared pool of BIM terms and technology; that means an open CDE and open platforms for data exchange instead of proprietary solutions. We do not agree that technology should dictate transformation or force disruptive hypotheses onto the building industry and beyond. ACE supports the premise that guidelines are rooted in practice, based on experience and evidence gathered in real-life projects.
The guide was written by Peter Hyttel-Sørensen with the support of the ACE BIM Work Group.
Author: ACE– Date/ 2019
Disclaimer: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsment of the contents, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein