NEBULA project build-up from the work developed at Built4People (B4P) partnership. The European partnership under Horizont Europe is led by WGBC and ECTP and focuses on research for a People-centric sustainable built environment. Currently, ACE is represented on the partnership board. The NEBULA will activate and nurture a network of B4P Innovation Clusters (B4PIC) better connecting the B4P partnership to NEB activities. NEBULA will provide the networks with a package of supporting activities to:
1. Improve visibility, adoption and uptake of innovative solutions that are in line with the New European Bauhaus thanks to increased awareness of benefits from innovation and better access to co-financing.
2. Foster intensified, cross-sectorial and interdisciplinary peer-learning from front runners as well as cross-border cooperation and networking.
Prepare for the long-lasting activities of the network of B4PICs and the integration of future B4PIC.
A B4PIC is a local/regional cluster that has matured enough to fully address the following five dimensions, identified as success factors to foster EU-scale, multidisciplinary and sustainable innovation in the Built Environment:
1. Whole value chain: integrating all stakeholders from the whole Built Environment innovation value chain (e.g. academic & industrial innovators, architects and contractors, end users associations, local authorities, etc.)
2. Cross-sectoral: integrating the different disciplines of the new Bauhaus (co-design, inclusiveness, circularity etc);
3. Locally anchored with national outreach: connecting a local territory with networks at national and European levels (e.g. national or European associations);
4. Cross-border: interconnecting with clusters from other regions or Member States (e.g. euro-regions)
5. Access to testbeds and demo spaces: integrating or connecting to test beds, pilot buildings, and living labs facilities to demonstrate innovations.
The ACE will produce a Vade mecum on how to better implement NEB principles at all stages of innovation life cycles. In 2023 ACE will identify and engage NEB ambassadors and draw on the NEB collective and on the NEB WG. The peer learning activities are part of our work package, but it is led by the project coordinator DOWEL (FR). The ACE will also coordinate the development of an NEB platform for knowledge sharing by R2M (FR). Other results interesting for architects are for instance the mapping of existing public and private co-financing models and a finance Toolbox to empower innovation clusters.
For more information
NEBULA website | LinkedIn page
Keywords: Energy efficient buildings, Innovation Clusters, Built4people, NEB, Design, construction, networks.