SONATA is a Horizon 2020 EU-funded project that aims to develop architectural ‘adaptive’ technologies in workplaces to improve the mental health, well-being, productivity and social relationships of the employees. The majority of employees voice discontent with their shared workspace, which has an impact on their productivity, social interactions, mental health, and general well-being. The main aim of SONATA is to address and overcome the challenges of ‘adaptive’ workplace technologies through technological intervention and to generate evidence-based recommendations on the use of architectural adaptation that can benefit employees’ health and well-being. During the project duration, the consortium will involve the pro-active participation and critical analysis of a well-considered selection of key target group representatives, such as employees with Occupational Safety and Health-responsibilities, Occupational and Environmental Medicine and Occupational Health Psychology experts, architects, workplace organisation innovators, adaptive technology manufacturers, and building certification consultants.
ACE, as a project partner, will be working on the project’s overall participatory development approach by identifying and engaging key stakeholders’ groups, evaluating the costs and benefits of the recommendations based on identified needs, KPIs, and specific costs, and identifying and carrying out the standardization scenarios for SONATA recommendations. Additionally, ACE will participate in the development of the design, monitoring, and implementation of communication, dissemination, and exploitation activities of SONATA throughout its life span to maximize the impact of its results across different European countries, regions, and industries, building upon existing networking infrastructures, platforms, and European projects.
For more information
SONATA website | Twitter page | LinkedIn page | YouTube channel | Mastodon page | Instagram page
Fixed EC key words: Environmental health, Environmental stressors, Mental health, Occupational health, Physical stressors, Risk factors, Architectural design, workplace design, building management, building automation, adaptive technology, interactive architecture, health and wellbeing.
Free keywords: Mental health, Human health, Workplace, Well-being, Productivity, Social relations, Workplace technologies, and Architectural adaptation.