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HouseEurope! No to demolition ! Yes to renovation! Sign the petition

HouseEurope! is the European Citizens’ Initiative for new EU-laws to make renovation and transformation more easy, affordable and social.  Because the demolition of existing buildings is as outdated as food waste, animal testing and single-use plastics.

The aim of the initiative is to create incentives for the renovation and transformation of existing buildings. The organisers call on the Commission to propose legislation incentivising the reuse of existing buildings based on: (i) ‘tax reductions for renovation works and reused materials’; (ii) ‘fair rules to assess both potentials and risks of existing buildings’; and (iii) ‘new values for the embedded CO2 in existing structures’.

The initiative, presented in the form of a petition, aims to challenge European leaders and influence EU policies. HouseEurope! would like to table a proposal for a European law to promote building renovation and make the construction industry more sustainable. This ECI will be considered by the European Commission if it manages to gather the signatures of 1 million European citizens from at least 7 EU countries by January 202

Support this initiative by signing the petition and sharing it throughout your network:

Webpage of the initiative in the European Commission’s register:

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