
ACE signs Memorandum of Understanding with SACAP and CIALP


On the occasion of the ACE General Assembly, ACE signed two important Memorandum of Understanding with the South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP) and the International Council of The Portuguese Speaking Architects (CIALP).

SACAP, established on 1 March 1971, has the function of control of standards of education at tertiary institutions for the purposes of professional registration by means of visiting boards, the administration of a Code of Conduct in the public interest, and protection of the public interest by identifying the type of architectural work each category of registered person is capable and competent to perform. SACAP mission is to transform, promote and regulate the architectural profession through collaborative engagement in the pursuit of excellence.


Luciano Lazzari (ACE President) and Yashaen Luckan (SACAP President)

CIALP is a membership international organization for professional bodies representing architects from Portuguese Speaking countries, territories and regions. Officially formed in 2009 it has been working for more then 20th years in strengthening the institutional relations and architectural knowledge between its members. Currently CIALP has 9 members. 



Luciano Lazzari (ACE President) and João Santa-Rita  (CIALP Vice-President)


The MoU will strengthen the relations and the collaboration between ACE and these Regional organisations in the coming years. 


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