
New Architects' Council of Europe (ACE) Logo


After the creation of a new Website in 2014, the Architects' Council of Europe (ACE) continues the update of its graphic identity by launching the renewed ACE logo.

ACE President Luciano Lazzari commented the choice: "After 25 years of service, the incoming Board of 2015 thought it was time to redesign the ACE logo. The decision to renew rather than recreate a logo was felt important for continuity, recognition and respect for tradition, all sentiments that are valued within the organisation."

Regarding the design, Mr Lazzari described in details the genesis of the renewed logo: "Hence the logo keeps its primary blue colour and the geometric reference in its A – C - E as triangle, circle and square, but the new design breaks away from the simplistic building block design to develop a more sophisticated overlapping design, which symbolises integration and a more complex overlay of functions. The reinforcement of the A of course underlines the importance of Architecture, which is the driving force that motivates the profession to produce a quality environment for the good of all. The graphic juxtaposition of the letters also facilitate the reading of the letters in both English and French, hence  C - A– E just as easily as  A – C - E . Instead of using colour, the E is hatched, which  is a traditional form of infill in classic architectural drawing, but also with its multiple components, represents the diversity and richness of Europe. "


Please contact the Secretariat at info(at)ace-cae(dot)eu to request the JPG of the new logo.

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