
Invitation: ACE Policy Seminar 'EPBD implementation through the architectural transformation of living spaces'


The European Union, Member States and cities have embarked on a profound and radical renewal of our built environment to rise to the social, economic, and climate challenges of our times. The Architects Council of Europe has long advocated for a regulatory framework to enable the creation of healthier, more inclusive and pleasing spaces that are resilient to climate change, are affordable, and can be created and maintained with less energy and the circular use of natural resources.    

Architectural Awards and Prizes are a source of inspiration, demonstrating how the sector can rise to this immense challenge. With the recent adoption of the recast Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and the New European Bauhaus (NEB) movement, many critical factors will be in place to begin to address these pressing issues.    

As part of the 2024 European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), the  Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) is organising a public seminar on Thursday 13 June (from 14h to 16h CET) at CIVA Brussels to showcase awarded projects from across the EU.

Join us online!
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
The conference will be web-streamed through the ACE YouTube channel.

The session will be an opportunity for policy makers, practitioners, and the wider public to discuss the barriers and enablers to scaling up design excellence as part of member state adoption of the NEB, Level(s), and the EPBD.

With keynote presentations from:  
- Max HACKE, Winner of the 2024 EUMies Award for the Study Pavilion on the campus of the Technical University of Braunschweig (together with Gustav Düsing)
- Sophie MAURER, Architect, Luxembourg Government- Public Building administration, Winning project of  the 2024 NEB Prizes for the transformation of the Lycée Michel Lucius;
- Jose TORAL, Peris + Toral Arquitectes, Winner of the Construmat Awards 2024 Sustainability for 85 Social Housing Units in Cornellà de Llobrega.

The seminar will be moderated by Dr. Judit KIMPIAN, Chair of the ACE Sustainability Work Group and Andre PIZZUTO, Member of the ACE Executive Board.


It's possible to join the policy seminar: 

- ON-SITE: the event will take place at CIVA, 55 rue de l’Ermitage, Brussels, Belgium
- ONLINE: Please click the link below to join the webinar:
The conference will be web-streamed through the ACE YouTube channel.

The event is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.

*Picture: Study Pavilion , campus of TU Braunschweig, Germany by Gustav Düsing and Max Hacke. Photo: Iwan Baan.


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