
The ACE signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Conselho de Arquitetura e urbanismo do Brasil (CAU/BR)


The Architects Council of Europe signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Conselho de Arquitetura e urbanismo do Brasil (CAU/BR), represented by CAU/BR President Mr Haroldo Pinheiro

Having regard to the standing ties that exist between them, and convinced that a reinforced cooperation will help to consolidate actions and efforts towards addressing mutual concerns and interests pertaining to architecture, architectural education, research, professional standards and regulation, professional mobility, environmental issues, professional development and practice, political influence, the two organisations agreed:

1. To rationalise the resources of both Organisations in pertinent activities at all levels;
2. To reinforce the capacity for action of the both Organisations towards third parties, exploring opportunities for joint actions;
3. To invite and encourage reciprocal representation at their respective working bodies and to share information of mutual interest;
4. To promote high quality professional standards and code of ethics.
5. To exchange information regarding architectural practice and procedures for design and construction
6.To affirm and promote the basic principles of professionalism contained in the “Accord on Recommended International Standards of Professionalism in Architectural Practice,” adopted by the International Union of Architects (UIA);
7. To affirm and promote consistent professional qualifications criteria and national syllabus based on international standards, such as the UNESCO/UIA Charter for Architectural Education;
8. To encourage an international exchange of knowledge through publications, seminars, exhibitions, lectures and exchange programs;
9. To develop effective political action to influence opinion makers and policy builders to create better legislation and conditions for quality architecture to flourish;
10.And finally, to undertake to establish and concretely define a closer cooperation between the parties at political, technical and working levels, both organisations commit themselves to study an agreement that will facilitate their respective members to practice in Europe and Brazil.

The Memorandum of Understanding is available in English and French

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