
Ms Tan Pei Ing, ARCASIA President, and L. Lazzari, ACE President

The ACE signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Architects Regional Council Asia (ARCASIA)


On the occasion of the 25th World Congress of the International Union of Architects, which took place from 3 to 7 August 2014 in Durban (South Africa), the Architects Council of Europe signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Architects Regional Council Asia (ARCASIA), represented by its President, Ms Tan Pei Ing.

Having regard to the long standing ties that exist between them, and convinced that a reinforced cooperation will help to consolidate actions and efforts towards addressing mutual concerns and interests pertaining to architecture, architectural education, research, professional mobility, environmental issues, professional development and professional practice, the two organisations agreed:

1.  To rationalise the resources of the Parties in pertinent activities at all levels;
2.  To reinforce the capacity for action of the Parties towards third parties;
3.  To explore opportunities for joint positions and/or joint actions of the Parties towards third parties;
4.  To cooperate in lobbying activities, if and when appropriate;
5.  To invite and encourage reciprocal representation at their respective working bodies;
6.  To share information of mutual interest;
7.  And finally, to undertake to establish and concretely define a closer cooperation at political, technical and working levels.

Access the Memorandum of Understanding 



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