


The fifth edition of the Sector Study of the Architects’ Council of Europe shows that the profession may be returning to something nearer normality, after the 2008 economic crisis, and reveals positive prospects for the profession.

The Sector Study is a biennial survey commissioned by the ACE that collects and analyses statistical, sociological and economic data on European architects, the architectural market and architectural practices. Results are presented in the form of charts, tables and maps, accompanied by explanatory texts. Country factsheets present all data collected on each country covered by the Study.

Based on responses from 27.000 architects in 27 European countries, the 2016 edition of the Study has been enriched with new research areas, making it, without doubt, the most comprehensive study on the architectural profession in Europe and an essential reference tool for all those interested in the architectural profession and the built environment.

The research confirms that architecture is a growing profession – the number of architects in Europe-31 is estimated to be around 600.000, an increase of 4% since 2014. Even if there is still some way to go until the profession returns to its pre 2008 levels, the Study reveals numerous signs of recovery of the architectural market and positive prospects for the Profession: the value of the architectural market has increased; the average revenue is higher for most sizes of practices; the number of independent architects has fallen – suggesting that architects are returning to more formal employment within practices; and more importantly, architects in a majority of countries feel confident about their future prospects, anticipating more work for the coming year.

However, the positive average trends at European level must not hide the fact that the situation varies throughout Europe – Growth remains weaker in the south and not surprisingly, the predictions there are more pessimistic.

By supporting and effectively guiding ACE policy positions with statistical evidence, the Sector Study contributes to enhancing the credibility of ACE in its dealings with policy-makers at EU and national levels”, says ACE President Luciano Lazzari. “It also helps us to understand better how the profession has been affected and transformed by the economic crisis and offers a detailed picture of the new reality the architectural profession must face”, he adds.

The 2016 ACE Sector Study can be downloaded in English and French on the ACE website.


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