
International Section on the ACE Website


The 2015 ACE Sector Study reveals that fewer than 3% of European architects' revenues come from work undertaken outside Europe. European construction markets are expected to grow at a slower rate than the emerging markets and it is estimated that 90% of the construction growth over the next 10 years will come from the emerging markets so there is an increasing need for the European architectural profession to develop and maintain a stronger global perspective in order to access international markets.

For these reasons, the ACE has developed an International Section on its Website, which aims to provide European architects with a wide range of information to help them access international markets. Through the menu, you may access information on market access, business support, research programmes, international legislation and agreements, as well as a bibliography on the internationalisation of SMEs and architectural services. The section will be continually updated in order to provide the most precise information. 


Click here to visit the International Section 

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