
MANIFESTO FOR RESPONSIBLE ARCHITECTURE - Architects’ commitment to address climate change


Ahead of the COP21 summit to be held in Paris from 30 November to 11 December, the Architects' Council of Europe (ACE), the International Union of Architects (UIA), the National Council of the Order of French Architects (CNOA), and the International Council of French Architects (CIAF) have endorsed a Manifesto presenting Architects’ commitment to tackle the challenges posed by climate change.

This Manifesto will be officially presented and discussed during the international conference"Architecture, the Climate of the Future", which will take place on 30 November 2015 in Paris at the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, on the opening day of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21).

The Manifesto consists of key recommendations to address climate change through the built environment, both at city and building levels. It recalls that Architecture is a powerful force, both in the medium term and at low-cost, for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting our societies to the inevitable side effects of climate change.

Through this Manifesto, the four organisations, which represent the architectural profession at national, European and international levels, call for the implementation of decisive policies to stop the uncontrolled growth of cities, eradicate the injustice related to the allocation of resources, slow down the climate exodus, anticipate exposure to natural or industrial risks and to put an end to the depletion of natural resources across the planet.

Those wishing to sign the Manifesto will find it on the website of the CNOA.

Speakers at the "Architecture, the Climate of the Future" conference include renowned architects (K.T. Thorsen, M. Hegger, P. Coulombel, A. Heringer, C. Smuts, P. Gontier, D. Mangin, K. Yeang, E. Mazria, F. Bonnet), but also scientists (S. Joussaume, T. Salomon) and French and EU policy-makers (F. Chouat, D. Ristori, C. Turmes, K. Delli).

Download the Manifesto for Responsible Architecture

Sign the Manifesto on the CNOA website

Download the programme of the conference

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