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Mixed views on the EP’s resolution “Strengthening the Single Market: the future of free movement of services.”


The Architects Council of Europe represents and supports 575,000 architects working across Europe. European architects and their clients benefit from the Professional Qualifications Directive (PQD), which allows many architects to move freely to work and study across the EU. EU architects and their ...[more]

Level(s): The European framework for sustainable buildings: Relevance and benefits for Architects & Designers.


After several years of development and testing, the EU Commission launched the final version of the Level(s) framework. Level(s) is a new European approach to assess and report on the sustainability performance of buildings, throughout the life-cycle of buildings. Using existing standards, Level(s...[more]

call for application I-Portunus for Architecture. Creative Europe’s mobility scheme for artist, creators and cultural professionals launches call for architecture.


Do you want to carry out a residency, international collaboration or project abroad? On 15 January 2021, i-Portunus opened a Call for Applications for architects, cultural professionals active in architecture.The duration of the travels can range between 7 and 60 days and the maximum amount of the g...[more]

EU-UK Trade & Cooperation Agreement. Architecture of the TCA and interim process for the recognition for holders of EEA / Swiss qualifications.


On 24 December 2020, the European Union and the United Kingdom concluded the EU-UK Trade & Cooperation Agreement (TCA). While this is the most ambitious Free Trade Agreement (FTA) ever concluded by the EU, it obviously cannot deliver the kind of free market access that currently exists among and...[more]

2020 Retrospective & 2021 outlook. What the Architects' Council of Europe did for you in 2020 and 2021 plans. Welcome 2021!


2020 retrospective and 2021 outlook.Welcome 2021! New year, new perspectives. ACE has summarised the actions completed in 2020 and the planned activities for 2021.  This year, ACE will continue to advocate and raise awareness of the value of architecture and architects in many ways. Events...[more]

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