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Rudolf Gräf : 'It's essential that architects count on Europe and the National Organisations to push architecture onto the political agenda!'


A few weeks ago, ACE talked with Rudolf Gräf about the Covid-19 impact, the urban festival Street Delivery,  climate-proof urban development approach, quality spaces and architectural education. ACE: The covid-19 crisis has multiplied questions on urban planning and climate issues. In your ...[more]

Planning organisations from the creative sector present a joint statement on the New European Bauhaus


The joint statement is supported by the representative European organisations of architects, spatial planners, landscape architects, interior architects, engineers, designers, artists, educators and researchers of the built environment, who welcome the New European Bauhaus initiative put forward by ...[more]

Cultural Heritage in Action! Discover the new European Catalogue of good practices #EuropeforCulture


'Cultural Heritage has the power to inspire and drive positive change in our societies' said Maryia Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research and Culture in the framework of the official launch. Following an open call for contribution launched in February 2020, 32 local and regional p...[more]

A talk with Dikkie Scipio :' We should not accept low quality, not in materials, not in skills and execution, but also not in knowledge"


A few weeks ago, ACE talked with Dikkie Scipio about Europe, the Covid-19 impact, a new “Urban Village” model, the built heritage, and the challenges for women in architecture. ACE: The COVID-19 crisis has multiplied the number of questions on urban planning and climate issues. In your eyes,...[more]

'To match style with sustainability': ACE welcomes the call of EU Commission President for a new ‘European Bauhaus'


In her State of the Union address on 16 September 2020, the President of the EU Commission, Ms Ursula von der Leyen, recalled the EU ambition to trigger a “renovation wave” in Europe and to become a leader in the circular economy.    In this respect, she stated: “this is not jus...[more]

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