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New publication : Holistic renovation of modernism housing


The Baltic Architects Unions Association (BAUA) has released the online publication of the “Holistic renovation of modernism housing". This e- book represents the third part of the joint endeavor "Holistic renovation for modernism housing districts". The organisers of the event are ...[more]

Launch of the Edu.OAR platform, a digital tool for the continuous professional development of architects


The e-learning platform is a digital tool that the Romanian Order of Architects (OAR) designed to support the continuous professional development for practising architects, architecture interns, and architecture students. It hosts a variety of learning materials covering all t...[more]

The ACE Climate Change exhibition continues its tour arounds Europe!


Architecture is a powerful source of solutions to challenges posed by climate change, in the medium-term and at low-cost. As demonstrated by the 20 projects featured in the ACE exhibition, it is possible to design urban spaces that are capable of dealing with extreme weather conditions, while at t...[more]

The Architects’ Council of Europe adopts a policy position on Solidarity with Ukraine


The Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) is releasing a policy position, which sets out its ambitions and the principles that will guide its actions with respect to Solidarity with Ukraine. This strategy was developed in close partnership with the National Union of Architects of Ukraine. From the ve...[more]

Spain: The Law on the Quality of Architecture receives approval


The law entered into force on 16 June after its approval by the Cortes Generales. This regulation, promoted by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Affairs, aims to protect and promote the quality of architecture as an  asset of general interest. It includes the creation of two fundam...[more]

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