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Stay updated with our newsletter : ACE INFO is now available (Jan/Feb 2022)


Our January/February issue of our newsletter is now available. Find out what we've been up to! Stay updated with the the EU policy and legislative news relevant for the profession, ACE activities as well as links to recent publications, on-going competitions and forthcoming events.Read the late...[more]

"Architecture: Passion or profession?" ACE publication on new business models


Creating awareness about new business models. A publication on new business models by the ACE IMB taskforce. “Passion is a significant driving force for starting and running an architectural practice. But being able to run a business is a prerequisite for its survival. You need to combine pass...[more]

ACE Eu-funded projects: January- February highlights


The Architects’ Council of Europe is regularly involved in EU-funded projects. Stay updated with the latest news, deadlines and calls for contributions! BIM-Speed competition: New deadline extension! Good news! The BIM-SPEED EU project is extending applications deadlines for the EU BIM for ...[more]

Highlight your work in cultural heritage: Open call for good practices


Are you working for a city, a region, a NON-URBAN or a rural area? SHARE YOUR GOOD PRACTICES!  Now open for applications! We want to share your best practices throughout Europe and beyond. If you are part of the administration of a city, region or a rural area in the EU, this is your chance to...[more]

SOAR Call for Best Practice Examples: Architecture for Security by Design of Places of Worship


As part of its endeavour to promote security by design principles, the Architects’ Council of Europe collaborates with Enhancing Faith Institutions (EFI) and Network of Religious and traditional peacemakers in the SOAR programme. The project is supported by the United Nations Alliance of Civilis...[more]

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