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Germany: The "HOAI" - Official fee scale for services by architects and engineers updated (BAK)


The official scale of fees for services by architects and engineers, Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure – HOAI, has stipulated mandatory upper and lower limits for the remuneration of architects and engineers. The European Court of Justice (CJEU) ruled in July 2019 (C-377/17) that obligat...[more]

Cultural Heritage in Action: Apply for 4 new online peer learning visits taking place in May and June 2021!


Are you curious about data collection for preservation of cultural heritage? Do you want to learn more on how to involve communities through cultural heritage? Or willing to learn more cultural heritage for urban and regional development & sustainability?   Then our online peer learn...[more]

International Women's Day: A talk with Ursula Faix, Chair of the Women in Architecture task force


To celebrate International Women's Day 2021, ACE talked with Ursula Faix, Chair of the Women in Architecture task force to explore what we're doing at ACE to develop new strategies for balancing the gender gap in architecture. ACE: Can you tell us more about the Women In Architecture (WiA) task fo...[more]

ACE and the New European Bauhaus Collective (NEBC) official Partners of the New European Bauhaus


ACE and the members of the New European Bauhaus Collective (NEBC) are happy to announce that they have been selected to be Partners of the New European Bauhaus initiative.On Friday 5 March 2021, the European Commission announced the first New European Bauhaus partners with 13 organisations from the ...[more]

The role of key civil society groups in the renovation wave. Conclusions of the ACE-UIPI workshop


In the framework of the Civil Society Days, the Architects' Council of Europe (ACE), the International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) and the EESC section for Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society (TEN) organised on 4 March 2021 an online workshop on the role of key civil s...[more]

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