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ACE 2015 Annual Report and 2016 Outlook available


The ACE 2015 Annual Report and 2016 Outlook is available to download here It contains major last year achievements (including events and workshop) and priorities for 2016. [more]

ACE signs Memorandum of Understanding with SACAP and CIALP


On the occasion of the ACE General Assembly, ACE signed two important Memorandum of Understanding with the South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP) and the International Council of The Portuguese Speaking Architects (CIALP). SACAP, established on 1 March 19...[more]

ABRACADABRA: Call for papers


ABRACADABRA is a three-year Horizon 2020  project focuses on the market up-take on energy efficiency and is coordinated by the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. ABRACADABRA stands for Assistant Buildings’ addition to Retrofit, Adopt, Cure And Develop the Actual Buildings up to ze...[more]

The Architects Council of Europe marks the implementation deadline of the modernised Professional Qualifications Directive


In February 2014, the European Union adopted a revised version of the Public Procurement Directive, which lays down the rules for competitive tendering of public contracts. ACE marks the deadline for Member States to transpose the provisions of the modernised Directive into national law by...[more]

Architects' Council of Europe - Elected new Executive Board for 2016/2017


At the last ACE General Assembly, Mr Luciano Lazzari’s mandate as ACE President was renewed for further two-year term. The ACE Executive Board membership was also partly renewed. On 22 and 23 January 2016, the Architects’ Council of Europe held its deferred second General Assembly of 2015 (G...[more]

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