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Cultural Heritage in Action will soon enter its second phase! First phase highlights


For 18 months, Cultural Heritage in Action allowed exchange on cultural heritage as a key to Europe’s future and a crucial resource and strategic asset for cities and regions’ sustainable development. Cultural heritage ranks high in the strategic priorities of local and regional authorities. Through...[more]

The NEBC publishes the report of its conference : "Common Ground: Making the Renovation Wave a Cultural Project"


On 29 April 2021, members of the NEB Collective organised an online conference in order to contribute to the co-design phase of the New European Bauhaus. In the spirit of the New European Bauhaus, this conference was designed to be a participatory and multidisciplinary event, enabling people from va...[more]

A talk with European Architects: "Architectural policies have a huge impact on all planning processes."


A few weeks ago, ACE talked with 3LHD Architects about the Covid-19 impact, the reconstruction of Zagreb, urban regeneration projects, quality spaces and new trends in architecture. ACE: 3LHD has been committed to minimising the impact of the global pandemic and has not only adapted its  work...[more]

Join us for the 19th edition of the European Week Regions and Cities! Together for recovery. 11-14 October 2021


In the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities, the Architects’ Council of Europe will organise an online workshop on the New European Bauhaus in collaboration with ICLEI,  a global network of more than 2500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development....[more]

Join us during the #EUGreenWeek2021: ACE virtual exhibition 20 architectural projects against climate change (1-4 June)


The European Green Week 2021 is dedicated to the ‘zero pollution ambition’. The week itself features and opening event in 31 May and a virtual high-level conference on 1-4 June, but the topic is also addressed in hundreds of partner events around Europe between 3 May and 13 June. Pollution affects ...[more]

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