The Architects’ Council of Europe published this booklet with the support of the European Commission to show best practice examples in the procurement of architectural services.
The Architectural Design Competition (ADC) is a quality based and project orientated selection procedure for the architectural services. By in depth evaluation, an independent jury selects the best solution out of a variety proposed by different architects.
The criteria applied are defined beforehand and include functional,economic, environmental, energetic and esthetic aspects.Project orientated means that the procurement of the service is based on the quality of the future project, which is already possible to evaluate in beforehand. Anonymity is maintained by all involved, until the final decision of the jury. This promotes equal treatment and transparency A single participant could never offer such a variety of solutions as they are created by different authors. It is well known, that decisions taken early on in a project’s development have the most impact on the final result.
The ADC is an open, accessible, transparent, non-discriminatory and democratic procedure. Especially where public procurement is financed with tax-payers money, such open, quality-based procedures present the best solution for finding the best project and consequently the most suitable architects.Our booklet shows a variation of projects, from a small kindergarten to large university buildings or commercial centres.
It also shows a variety of different kinds of ADC, from invited to open, where the sole eligibility criteria was a license to practice the profession.This shows, that the ADC is a suitable tool both for small communities and for entities operating at national level; for experienced clients and also for beginners who are facing the problems of commissioning an architect for the first time. The jury is always composed of independent professionals and representatives of the client, who maintains his influence through the process.
ACE recommends the ADC as the best awarding procedure when procuring architectural services and provides several recommendations concerning the application of this tool.
Date : 2019 Author: ACE
Disclaimer: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsment of the contents, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein