Architecture is a powerful source of solutions to challenges posed by climate change. As demonstrated by the 20 projects featured in the ACE booklet, it is possible to design urban spaces that are capable of dealing with extreme weather conditions, while at the same time adding new qualities to the urban space; and to design low carbon buildings while increasing occupants’ comfort and well-being.
The brochure with the projects from Baumschlager Eberle Architekten, Philippe Samyn and Partners architects & engineers, Projektil architekti, Christensen & co. Architects, Maison Edouard François, Epicuria Architectes, ARGE Bogevischs Buero Architekten & Stadtplaner, SHAG Schindler Hable Architekten, Reichel Schlaier Architekten, Habil István Kistelegdi, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Architects Department, Mirko Franzoso, 5.iela, M3 Architectes, Architecture Project, De Urbanisten, Municipality of Lisbon, Stefan Nesic, Grüntuch Ernst Architects, Marge Architects and Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios is available here.
Author: ACE