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Czech Republic

Member Organisation(s)CKA
Czech Chamber of Architects
Obligation to InsureYes (Every authorized architect is covered for damages up
to 200.000,-CZK. Higher coverage is individual.)
Legal Obligation to InsureYes, (Act Number 360/1992 of 7 may 1992)
Legal BasisCommonly used Term and Conditions:
The Building Act (Act No. 183/2006 Coll)
Requirements to Obtain InsuranceThere is no special requirement needed to
obtain an Insurance, but authorized architect needs to have
a valid authorization.
Calculation of Insurance PremiumRate applied to fees
Based on fixed price
Liability System / Liability PeriodsContractual liability:
– Liabilities before and/or during the works:
Yes, responsible for the program and for any defects
But not responsible in respect of the budget
– The end of the construction phase as a point of
departure for a period of specific liabilities?
There is 2 years period for claiming of defects. Both sides can arrange this period longer than 2 years.

Liabilities after work:
Liability without restriction during the period but the prescribed timetable for a claim of liability is 10 years since occurrence of damage (according to Civil Code – Act. No. 89/2012 Coll)
Forms of Insurance Contract– Subscription contract for all liabilities in a
predefined period
– Cover for architect in a specific project
– Cover for the all professionals in a project
Joint and Several LiabilityJoint and several liability in case of association originated following by law, unless proven otherwise.
Insurer Response to ClaimsClaims made basis.
AgentsČSOB Pojišťovna, a.s. / MARSH s.r.o.
Duration of Liability– Professional client:
10 years since occurrence of damage
– Consumer client:
10 years since occurrence of damage
– Liability during and after construction:
10 years since occurrence of damage

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