Connexion des membres
Connexion des membres

Work Group

Regulatory Questions & Issues Work Group (RQI WG)

Chair: Olga Mihalikova | Vice Chair: Maria Dolores Galan Alvarez

Aims and scope of the WG

Aim of the WG

  • Ensure the independence and integrity of the architectural profession in the EU and advocate towards EU institutions.
  • Address competition and regulatory issues impacting the profession, especially against pressures for deregulation.
  • Advocate for a balanced regulatory environment that supports high-quality architecture and the built environment.
  • Promote the recognition of architecture’s value and optimise the regulatory framework to support quality outcomes.

Main area of interest

  • De-regulation of the Professional Qualifications Directive (PQD) and National Actions Plans (together with PQD-CPD-PPE WG).
  • Legislative Package on Services (including Proportionality Test Directive, proposals for Notifications Directive, a Services e-Card and Reform Recommendations regarding professional regulation).
  • Economic impact of regulation

Planned focus and key activities

  • Monitor, respond, assist and promote optimisation of regulatory environment.
  • Assist with analysis/development of policy positions.
  • Respond to EU Regulations and Directives impacting professional regulation.
  • Monitor impact of Proportionality Test Directive (including infringements).
  • Monitor Reform Recommendations & European Semester, Single Market Enforcement (SMET).
  • Respond to studies (COM, EP, Council) on regulation.
  • Publish, promote and exploit findings of Economic Study.
  • Advocate for a regulatory framework that fosters a high-quality-based professional practice interacting with the practice committee.

Meetings: 3/4 meetings per annum

Membership: 39 participants


  • Olga



  • Maria
    Dolores Galan Alvarez



Policy positions & key reference documents


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