Aims and scope
Aim of the PLG
- Explore different approaches across Europe regarding Architectural Design Competitions (ADCs)
- Formulate guidelines for the setting up of ADCs
Meetings: 2 meetings per annum
Membership: 18 participants

Aim of the PLG
Meetings: 2 meetings per annum
Membership: 18 participants
Promoting high-quality architecture and living environment for al
Dans le cadre des élections européennes de 2024, le Conseil des architectes d'Europe a lancé son...
La boussole du nouveau Bauhaus européen est un cadre d’orientation pour les décideurs et les porteurs de projets qui souhaitent
The Sector Study is a biennial survey commissioned by the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE)
These Conclusions are a key element of the Council’s Work Plan for Culture 2019–2022 and
High-quality Baukultur is defined by well designed cities, villages and buildings. High-quality places create a
Investing in a high-quality living environment for everyone : report of the OMC (Open Method
The Davos Declaration 2018 highlights pathways for politically and strategically promoting the concept of a
EUmies Awards Young Talent 2025 – call for nominations from architecture schools across Europe!
This call aims at architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture schools across all Creative Europe
janvier 22, 2025
What the Architects’ Council of Europe did for you in 2024
This year, in the framework of the 2024 European Elections, ACE continued to strive to make Architecture a matter of public interest and driver of common good.
décembre 20, 2024
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