Connexion des membres
Connexion des membres

Work Group

Groupe de travail sur le nouveau Bauhaus européen (groupe de travail sur le nouveau Bauhaus européen)

Chair: Jacques Timmerman | Vice Chair: N/A

Aims and scope of the WG

Aim of the WG

  • Advance the New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative internally (towards Member Organisations) and externally (supra-networks).
  • Support the partnership role of the ACE with the European Commission.

Main area of interest

  • Monitor, participate and contribute to the brief development of the NEB initiative in communication with the EU JRC, Members of European Parliament (MEP), and other partners.
  • Monitor, analyse and contribute to the policy developments.
  • Identify networking and match-making opportunities in the spirit of cross-sectoral and cross-generational collaboration.

Planned focus and key activities

  • Contribute to NEB Festival and NEB Lab.
  • Promote of the NEB Awards.
  • Monitor and develop capacity for collaboration within external supra networks (NEB Collective; NEB Forum BiH/Western Balkans).
  • Review achievements and commitments, and prioritise.
  • Map, identify gaps and develop skills and competences for capacity building and joint projects.
  • Map NEB objectives with relevant policy documents and ACE thematic work.
  • Align NEB activities with MO’s initiatives/needs.
  • Agree on method and timeframe of communication.
  • Contribute to design the two NEB-related activities co-funded by Creative Europe within NET-ARCH project.
  • Extend the NEB to the Ukraine and develop possibilities – explore what the impact of the NEB can be towards the Ukraine.

Meetings: 2 meetings + several online conferences

Membership: 38 participants

Meet the Chair

  • Jacques



Policy positions & key reference documents


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