BULGARIA - Solar Equinox House


Location : Bozhuretz, Kavarna, Bulgaria
End of construction : June, 2012
Ignatov Architects - www.bignatov.com

Awarded the Grand Prize of the National Review of Bulgarian Architecture, Sofia 2012
Awarded at the regional Architectural Showcase, Varna 2011
Nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award, Barcelona 2013
Nominated for the House of the Year Award, London, 2012

The Equinox House is a passive residence made for discreet enjoyment of life in balance with nature. It is a modest architectural object that delicately intersects with natural phenomena on all levels from local views to universal celestial motion. Similarly to ancient examples, the building cross section proportions are set by the Equinox and Solstice solar angles turning it into an astronomical instrument. Narrow roof oculus lets inside a noon sunspot that travels daily on a built-in calendar scale marking the actual data and revealing the sublime poetry of seasonal transitions. Steep site with amazing marine views to the South and prevailing northern winds have led to a simple linear solution that is inserted into and sheltered by the coastal cliffs. Green roof planted with local grasses covers the entire house providing for 95% site recovery. Low profile over the ground makes the house almost unnoticeable from the street. Certified triple glass is part of the super-insulated envelope that eliminates thermal loss. Integrated ventilation system with recuperation and solar panels for hot water provide passive heating and cooling. Small bio-active wastewater treatment unit turns waste into dry bio-compost and irrigation water. Local materials and labor were used in order to avoid cost and pollution from unnecessary transportation. The end result is sustainable example that surpassed the passive standards and emerged as intersection of concept, site, technology and craftsmanship.

Equinox passive house specifications:
Annual heating demand: 15 kWh/m2
Building envelope insulation values:
Walls 0.15 W/m2K
Roof 0.10 W/m2K
Glazing 0.8 W/m2K
Site area: 1000m2
House footprint: 250m2
Total built area: 515m2

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