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Shaping Sustainable Futures

Photo Credit:  © NEBULA

NebulaB4P is organizing the final event and second Built4People Innovation Cluster (B4PIC) signing ceremony on the topic ‘Shaping Sustainable Futures’ on March 6 – 7 2025, in collaboration with fellow European Union (EU) funded projects:

Join the event to discuss the projects’ results and lessons learnt on how:

The coming together of several EU-funded projects will provide a unique opportunity to share findings about sustainable innovation in the built environment and the key role that Built4People Innovation Clusters (B4PICs) can play in contributing towards the decarbonisation of Europe’s building stock by 2050.

The event will also offer an opportunity for exchange with the European Commission about future needs of the construction sector.

Agenda preview:

Day one of the event will focus on innovation for the built environment and will include a special signing ceremony for B4PICs (thereby demonstrating their further commitment to the Built4People partnership), while day two will focus on NEB impact and skills.

Venue address:

Comet Meetings – Louise

20 Place Stéphanie 1050 Bruxelles

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