The Architects’ Council of Europe together with the partners from the Cultural-E project welcome you from 8:30 to 16:00 at Greenbizz, in Brussels to participate in the Cultural-E Final conference titled: “Driving sustainable housing forward: decarbonizing buildings with Plus Energy solutions for comfortable and affordable living“.
Cultural-E is a EU-funded project with the goal to propose modular and replicable solutions for Plus Energy Buildings (PEBs), accounting for climate and cultural differences, while engaging all key players involved in the building life cycle.
It will be your chance to learn more about Plus Energy Buildings and to see the results of the Cultural-E project. First-hand interaction with the project partners will help you deepen your knowledge about the technologies used to realise the Plus Energy Buildings demonstration cases.
You can read below a preview of the Agenda:
- First Session: Presentation of the design guidelines for Plus Energy Buildings and launch of the PEB HUB & Panel discussion with the project partners’ about What are the design challenges and opportunities for Plus Energy Buildings?
- Second Session: PEB Technologies and Demostration Cases Pitch
- Lunch break & Lunch break & Exhibition of the technologies’ providers
- Presentation on Co-benefits Assessment of Plus Energy Buildings
- Third Session: Policy session and round table: Powering the future, why do we need Plus Energy Buildings?
Keep following the updates on the ACE’s Social medias and on the channels of the Cultural-E project: Website, LinkedIn, X and YouTube.