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ACE Member Organisations

The Federation of Swedish Innovation Companies FSIC

PO Box 55545 102 04 Stockholm

Phone: +46 8 762 67 00

President: Anders Lenhoff
Head of the delegation: Anders Lenhoff

The Swedish Association of Architects SA

Storgatan 41, Box 5027 – 102 41 Stockholm

Tel: + 46 8 505 57 700

President: Emina Kovacic
Head of Delegation: Katarina O’Cofaigh

Professional title

Access to the profession

Liability and insurance

Continuous Professional Develop

Requirements to practice

Population94 828 5596 448 6498 510 17101 202 42103 275 89103 792 95
GDP € m3 878 864 208 494 469 464 752 314 741 945 373 10
GDP/head €409 04436 35453 71469 58459 15517 67
Average turnover per practice (€)
2 persons19685733342420434315652566180168239
6 – 10 persons700687670488908062630058801321n/a
Architects58006150655067507000  7400 
% Male494954424146
% Female 515146585853
% <40 years 323425383440
Practices 120715041114  1076 923890
Participants1523853661491  566 512
Accuracy of results 95% confidence +/-+/-2.2+/-3.1+/-
Sole Principals12291481313
Partners & Directors61777811
Private practice Salaried393240586053
Private in-house110001
Freelance  010011
Other Private  16411111
Local / central government231424221718
Other Public323413
Sole Principals517105490353255301674619446618
Partners & Directors596206932376079565646815967284
Private practice Salaried449744525448908407264355444215
Private in-house73119n/an/an/an/a24991
Freelance  44884n/an/an/an/a20858
Other Private  447835583546952n/a3855821146
Local / central government494966104850321441205034252366
Other Public455595545856342407925769559556
Protection of the title “Architect”No
Protection of the function of ArchitectsNo: Profession is not regulated
Professional titleArchitect SAR/MSA (membership on Sveriges Arkiteter necessary)
Mandatory RegistrationNo (voluntary)
If yes, Where?Compulsory registration with the association to use the title SAR/MSA). The Swedish Architects does not have exclusive rights.
Competent authorityUniversitet- och Högskolerådet is the competent authority
Registration is not compulsory
Entrance examination 
Academic training5 years
Qualified asArkitekt SAR/MSA
Professional training needed?Yes
If yes How much time No professional experience required for membership of the Swedish Association of Architects. Two years of professional experience is compulsory to be given the professional title “arkitekt SAR/MSA” by the organisation.
Additional compulsory practical training – internshipNo
Requirement for undertaking compulsory professional experience as a requirement for access to the professional examination
Period of traineeship supervised (overseen)
By who?
Compulsory professional experience (requirement for access to the professional examination)
To which conditions
Number of hours per month required 
Compulsory Professional examination No
Complementary professional education 
Remuneration of the professional experienceTraineeship should be remunerated
Trainee accompanied
Specific supplementary courses organised
Model form of contract available Yes
Professional practice undertaken abroad taken into account
Evaluation of the professional experience 
Evaluation method used
Are Architects obligation to carry insurance? Yes, If you use the standard contract an
insurance is compulsory.
Legal Basis:
what are the most commonly used Term and Conditions:
General Conditions of Contract for Consulting Agreements for Architectural and Engineering Assignments for the Year 2009 (ABK 09)
What are the requirements for obtaining insurance? The insurance company makes an individual assessment of the business
How are insurance premiums calculated?Number of employees 
What forms of Insurance contract exist:Defined responsibility for a fixed period
Insurances/AgentsArchitects of Sweden offers a commercial insurance with consultant responsibility, through Folksam, and there are other insurance companies.
What requirements must a European architect fulfill to practice in this country?
Does a system of CPD for architects exists in your country?Yes
If yes:
Is it compulsory?
Is it encouraged?
Is it free?
If it is compulsory, is it required by law or by a Code of Conduct?It is encouraged by a Code of Conduct
If it is regulated, who regulates the system:
A professional body
A governmental body
A combination of the two?
Is it organised?N/A
Who provides the courses?Sveriges Arkitekter or other. Description below of the professional training programme given by Sveriges Arkitekter (the only one available)
What level of training is provided:General awareness; Regulation and legislation, Detailed knowledge; Advanced knowledge; Local issues
Are certain subjects mandatory?N/A
What types of activities or provisions are accepted:Workshop; Presentations; other courses
Do you have any evaluation criteria for the CPD material?Yes
Who recognises (accredits) these trainings?N/A
Development of the trainings:
A. Estimated number of courses/year
B. Estimated number of participants/year
C. Estimated lesson hours/year
5 courses/year
80 participants/year
300 hours/year
Level of requirements for the architects:Depending of which level of the programme you wish to participate in.
Is this required level validated or checked and how:
A. Not requested
B. Attendance tracking
C. Attendance tracking
D. Self-assessment using self-test
E. By regular checks
F. Examination
G. Thesis
H. Other means (e.g. electronic monitoring)?
Self-assessment of value,
Attendance tracking,
By regular checks
Is training (provision) delivered abroad accepted?Yes
What kind of sanction is applied for the non-compliance with CPD obligation:
A. None
B. Reprimand
C. Expulsion from the register
D. Other?
Do you have a database of the content of your CPD programme?Yes

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