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Order of Architects and Engineers – Councils of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg – Architects Section OAI

6, Boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, 1330 Luxembourg

Tel : + 352 42 24 06
Fax : + 352 42 24 07

President: Michelle Friederici
Head of Delegation: Pierre Hurt

Professional title

Access to the profession

Liability and insurance

Continuous Professional Develop

Requirements to practice

Population524 853549 680576 249602 005626 108634 730
GDP € m42 82245 4785121655 29963 51672 295
GDP/head €81 58882 73688 87991 859101 446113 899
Average turnover per practice (€)
2 persons154 000231 165138 750n/a140 569181 505
6 – 10 persons683 115486 532443 100n/a574 571553 612
Architects6809009509501100 700
% Male727574686870
% Female 282526323130
% <40 years 382214222822
Practices 166244190 268308185
Participants891308628 349 394
Accuracy of results 95% confidence +/-+/-9.7+/-8.0+/-10.118.310.68.1
Sole Principals393422265643
Partners & Directors242839192130
Private practice Salaried101914371616
Private in-house001100
Freelance  99810510
Other Private  19915312
Local / central government000100
Other Public000400
Sole Principals56 00056 00052 05050 00068 50060 000
Partners & Directors75 00070 00088 00082 50096 000106 000
Private practice Salaried82 00048 00090 750100 00050 00071 000
Private in-house31 000n/an/an/an/an/a
Freelance  50 00057 00060 000n/an/a59000
Other Private  n/a60 00080 000n/an/a59000
Local / central governmentn/an/an/an/an/an/a
Other Public56 400n/an/an/an/an/a
Protection of the title “Architect”Yes
Protection of the function of ArchitectsYes
Professional titleArchitect
Mandatory RegistrationYes
If yes, Where?Registration with the Ordre is compulsory for all architects and consulting engineers, natural or legal persons (individuals or legal entities), who wish to practise their profession under the status of “independent” in Luxembourg.
Competent authorityMinistry of Economy (authorisation of establishment) and the Ordre des Architectes et des Ingénieurs-Conseils (obligatory membership).
Entrance examination 
Academic trainingConditions set out in national law (Article 46 de la loi du 28 octobre 2016 relative à la reconnaissance des qualifications professionnelles).
University of Luxembourg offers a Master-programme in architecture.
Qualified asArchitect
Professional training needed?Not needed if full-time superior studies have been followed for 5 years (Master degree). Needed if only 4 years were followed.
If yes How much time 2 years
Additional compulsory practical training – internship2 years
Requirement for undertaking compulsory professional experience as a requirement for access to the professional examinationYes
Period of traineeship supervised (overseen)
By who?
Compulsory professional experience (requirement for access to the professional examination)
To which conditions
Already established architect
Number of hours per month required 
Compulsory Professional examination No
Complementary professional education Not mandatory
Remuneration of the professional experienceYes
Trainee accompaniedNo
Specific supplementary courses organisedYes by the OAI and House of Training, but not mandatory
Model form of contract available No
Professional practice undertaken abroad taken into accountYes
Evaluation of the professional experience No
Evaluation method used
Are Architects obligation to carry insurance? Yes
Legal Basis:
what are the most commonly used Term and Conditions:
Article 6 of luxembourgish law of the 13 december 1989.
What are the requirements for obtaining insurance? 
How are insurance premiums calculated?Rate applied tofees -Rate on the value of construction works -Based on fixed price
What forms of Insurance contract exist:Subscription contract for all liabilities in a predefined period -Cover for architect in a specific project
What requirements must a European architect fulfill to practice in this country?
Recognised diploma
Autorisation d’établissement from Ministry of Economy
Registration with the OAI
VAT Registration
Does a system of CPD for architects exists in your country?Yes
If yes:
Is it compulsory?
Is it encouraged?
Is it free?
If it is compulsory, is it required by law or by a Code of Conduct?Not compulsory
If it is regulated, who regulates the system:
A professional body
A governmental body
A combination of the two?
Not regulated
Is it organised?Yes
Who provides the courses?Mostly OAI and House of Training
What level of training is provided:
Are certain subjects mandatory?New members are obliged to participate at 2 initiations modules:
Legal, ethical and contractual framework of the OAI professions – Services, OAI tools, responsibilities, company rights
Good practices of collaboration of the OAI project management (
What types of activities or provisions are accepted:
Do you have any evaluation criteria for the CPD material?No
Who recognises (accredits) these trainings?
Development of the trainings:
A. Estimated number of courses/year
B. Estimated number of participants/year
C. Estimated lesson hours/year
Level of requirements for the architects:
Is this required level validated or checked and how:
A. Not requested
B. Attendance tracking
C. Attendance tracking
D. Self-assessment using self-test
E. By regular checks
F. Examination
G. Thesis
H. Other means (e.g. electronic monitoring)?
Is training (provision) delivered abroad accepted?Yes
What kind of sanction is applied for the non-compliance with CPD obligation:
A. None
B. Reprimand
C. Expulsion from the register
D. Other?
Do you have a database of the content of your CPD programme?

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