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ACE Member Organisations

Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland RIAI

8 Merrion square – Dublin 2

Tel : + 353 1 676 17 03
Fax : + 353 1 661 09 48

President: Sean Mahon
Head of Delegation: Kathryn Meghen

Professional title

Access to the profession

Liability and insurance

Continuous Professional Develop

Requirements to practice

Population4 495 3514 604 0294 658 5304 838 2594 963 8395 006 324
GDP € m156 438164 050255 815294 110356 051426 283
GDP/head €34 80035 63254 91360 78871 72985 149
Average turnover per practice (€)
2 persons101 32485 367121 967206 000109 358135 714
6 – 10 persons501 000554 417503 143463 134665 332580 796
Architects26002600250025003500 3300 
% Male697168696265
% Female 312932313735
% <40 years 361926282823
Practices 1027752754 636 653647
Participants361267322162 403 207
Accuracy of results 95% confidence +/-4.8+
Sole Principals262626222123
Partners & Directors262722221821
Private practice Salaried262532433932
Private in-house000111
Freelance  223111
Other Private  402222
Local / central government913971311
Other Public634348
Sole Principals250003500040000500005750040000
Partners & Directors4500045000580006000079408100000
Private practice Salaried420004300044343480005000060000
Private in-house31000n/an/an/an/a80000
Freelance  5519422500n/an/an/an/a
Other Private  76000n/a52000n/a5550080000
Local / central government710006755069000700006500070000
Other Public430007000056500730007475076500

Protection of the title “Architect”Yes
Protection of the function of ArchitectsNo
Professional titleArchitect
Mandatory RegistrationYes
Registration is compulsory for those who wish to use the title architect.
If yes, Where?Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI)
Competent authorityRoyal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI)
Entrance examination No
Academic training5 years
Qualified asArchitectural Graduate
Professional training needed?Yes
If yes How much time 2 years
CommentsProgramme of acquisition of competences
– Academic training of 5 years at any of the six recognised schools of architecture that have their courses prescribed. These include University College Dublin (UCD), Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin), University of Limerick (SAUL), Cork Centre for Architectural Education (CCAE), South East Technological University (SETU Waterford), Atlantic Technological University (ATU Sligo).
– Degree: B.Arch. or M.Arch.
– Compulsory professional experience of 2 years
– Compulsory professional examination recognised by the RIAI (on the basis of the RIAI’s list of competences). This examination can be organised by the schools or by the RIAI itself.
– Compulsory registration introduced in May 2008.
– Demonstration of Compliance with the RIAI CPD policy is a legal requirement for continued regsitration. CPD support and monitoring are both provided through the RIAI’s online CPD Recording system MyRIAI CPD.

Additional compulsory practical training – internship2 years
Requirement for undertaking compulsory professional experience as a requirement for access to the professional examinationYes
Period of traineeship supervised (overseen)
By who?
Registered Architect
Compulsory professional experience (requirement for access to the professional examination)
To which conditions
In Practice
Number of hours per month required Full time employment
Compulsory Professional examination Yes.
Complementary professional education 
Remuneration of the professional experienceYes
Trainee accompaniedYes
Specific supplementary courses organisedYes
Model form of contract available Yes
Professional practice undertaken abroad taken into accountYes
Evaluation of the professional experience Yes
Evaluation method usedExam, oral interview and case study.
Are Architects obligation to carry insurance? Yes – under the Code of Conduct
Legal Basis:
what are the most commonly used Term and Conditions:
What are the requirements for obtaining insurance? 6 years of a contract signed under hand, 12 years for a contract signed under seal, and 6 years for faulty deeds (counted from the onset of the damage)
How are insurance premiums calculated?
What forms of Insurance contract exist:
What requirements must a European architect fulfill to practice in this country?
Meet the requirements of the Professional Qualifications Directive 2005/36/EC and/or The Building Control Act 2007
Does a system of CPD for architects exists in your country?Yes
If yes:
Is it compulsory?
Is it encouraged?
Is it free?
If it is compulsory, is it required by law or by a Code of Conduct?Yes it is required by law and the code of conduct
If it is regulated, who regulates the system:
A professional body
A governmental body
A combination of the two?
A professional body, the RIAI
Is it organised?Yes
Who provides the courses?Industry, Private Sector, RIAI
What level of training is provided:Not mapped to European Qualifications
Framework – CPD only
Are certain subjects mandatory?No
What types of activities or provisions are accepted:Any activity that is relevant to the competencies of an architect (Article 46 of the PQD)
Do you have any evaluation criteria for the CPD material?YES
RIAI Standard and Article 46 of the PQD
Who recognises (accredits) these trainings?the RIAI
Development of the trainings:
A. Estimated number of courses/year
B. Estimated number of participants/year
C. Estimated lesson hours/year
A Approx 30 per year.
B Approx 1000
C Approx 180 lesson hours per year
(30 x 6 Hours)
Level of requirements for the architects:40 Hours of CPD, at least 20 of which must be structured.
Is this required level validated or checked and how:
A. Not requested
B. Attendance tracking
C. Attendance tracking
D. Self-assessment using self-test
E. By regular checks
F. Examination
G. Thesis
H. Other means (e.g. electronic monitoring)?
H + E + C+B
Is training (provision) delivered abroad accepted?Yes
What kind of sanction is applied for the non-compliance with CPD obligation:
A. None
B. Reprimand
C. Expulsion from the register
D. Other?
Do you have a database of the content of your CPD programme?Yes

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