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ACE Member Organisations

Danish Association of Architectural Firms DA

Vesterbrogade 1E, 2. Sal – 1620 Copenhagen

Tel: + 45 32 83 05 00
Fax: +45 32 83 07 30

Lars Storr-Hansen
Head of Delegation: Dorte Kirstine Sibast

The Architect’s Association of Denmark AA

Åbenrå 34 – 1124 Copenhagen

Tel : + 45 30 85 90 00
Fax : + 45 32 54 69 01

Katja Viltoft
Head of Delegation: Dorte Kirstine Sibast

Professional title

Access to the profession

Liability and insurance

Continuous Professional Develop

Requirements to practice

Population5 580 5165 627 2355 707 2515 781 1905 822 7635 840 045
GDP € m239 245248 975266 179288 981312 747336 719
GDP/head €42 87144 24546 63949 98653 71157 657
Average turnover per practice (€)
2 persons160 624151 768160 743n/a68 485n/a
6 – 10 persons771 921n/a1 004 374n/a554 770n/a
Architects9 80010 00010 00010 30010 40010 000
% Male565054564952
% Female 445046445148
% <40 years 272628263120
Practices 1782175914221271 16671389
Participants743529459247 156 119
Accuracy of results 95% confidence +/-
Sole Principals12811111014
Partners & Directors139109515
Private practice Salaried293433323734
Private in-house221313
Freelance  112212
Other Private  85149107
Local / central government252619242521
Other Public10151010125
Sole Principals62 51353 59051 05161 51375 83471 785
Partners & Directors69 90780 38584 50277 84726 173100 800
Private practice Salaried60 49653 85850 78259 19054 92268 155
Private in-house30 961n/an/an/an/a101 157
Freelance  64 66493 78321 600n/an/an/a
Other Private  53 77462 76250 65180 53191 269127 707
Local / central government63 05056 27052 79748 11767 10948 394
Other Public60 49664 30855 7536 97928 857n/a
Protection of the title “Architect”No
Protection of the function of ArchitectsNo
Professional titlecand.arch. and/or Arkitekt MAA (if member of the Danish Association of Architects)
Members of Danske Arkitektvirksomheder (DANSKE ARK) , which are architects having their own practice and companies use the title “Medlem af Danske Arkitektvirksomheder” or “Medlem af DANSKE ARK”. Membership is voluntary.
The profession of architect is not regulated; the practice of the profession is unrestricted.
Mandatory RegistrationYes
If yes, Where?N/A
Competent authorityThere is no obligation to register with an association or an official list.
A voluntary registration can be made with the Danish Association of Architects (AA). This association is a private body that has a national head office and 7 local chapters. Membership of the Danish Association of Architects is compulsory in order to use the title Arkitekt MAA (Architect MAA).
Danske Arkitektvirksomheder (DANSKE ARK) issues certificates about persons in the member companies fulfilling the demands in directive 2005/36 and, if needed, the length of practice.
The Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science
Entrance examination No
Academic training5 years academic education (2+3) given at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen and the School of Architecture in Aarhus.
Qualified asArchitect
Professional training needed?No Professional training required by law. Architectural companies being members of Danske Arkitektvirksomheder (DANSKE ARK)  must be led by at least one person having at least 5 years of professional experience, out of which at least 2 years as owners/leaders in an architectural company
If yes How much time 
Additional compulsory practical training – internshipNot compulsory
No professional experience required. A majority of students who graduate from the schools (5 years) gain practical experience (approximately half a year) in their holidays during their study.
Requirement for undertaking compulsory professional experience as a requirement for access to the professional examinationNo – but there is a possibility of undertaking a 2-year voluntary practical training programme
Period of traineeship supervised (overseen)
By who?
The 2-year programme is supervised by the Schools of Architecture, the Danish Association of Architects, the Danish Association of Architectural Firms and the Association of Employed Architects
Compulsory professional experience (requirement for access to the professional examination)
To which conditions
At the architectural practices and at the schools of architecture
Number of hours per month required None
Compulsory Professional examination No – only a voluntary one after the 2-year programme
Complementary professional education No
Remuneration of the professional experienceNo, normally paid by the employers/employees
Trainee accompaniedYes
Specific supplementary courses organisedYes
Model form of contract available Yes
Professional practice undertaken abroad taken into accountYes
Evaluation of the professional experience Yes
Evaluation method usedThrough questionnaires
Are Architects obligation to carry insurance? YES (Only members of Danske Arkitektvirksomheder), but all public and professional private clients have insurance demands in the contracts.
Legal Basis:
what are the most commonly used Term and Conditions:
Commonly used Term and Conditions: ABR 89 and ABR 18, ABR 18 F (General conditions for Consulting services) which reduces liabilities in several areas compared with Danish law.
What are the requirements for obtaining insurance? Normally just education as an architect (title not protected)
Members of Danske Arkitektvirksomheder (DANSKE ARK) have always access due to a general agreement with insurance company HDI, where the conditions each year are updated to match the latest general developments in contract demands. Other architects must negotiate individual insurances.
How are insurance premiums calculated?Percentage of fee, varying according to type and geography of work. Always a minimum premium. Single project insurance has fixed premium
What forms of Insurance contract exist:Subscription contract for all work in a predefined period, not covered by single project insurance and single project insurance for larger projects.
Insurances/AgentsHDI/Marsh (insurance company/broker). Subscription insurance is in HDI, single project insurance in different companies after tender. Other companies may also offer subscription insurance, but they mostly have limited market experience, less specialized staff and less coverage.
Read the insurance sheet
What requirements must a European architect fulfill to practice in this country?
Legal requirements: The same as the Danish architects, i.e. none. Requirements in real life: In Denmark the laws regulate the architectural work ex post. That means that the regulation is imposed on the project, not on the person. Denmark has very detailed planning and building regulation laws, which makes it difficult for foreign architects to work in Denmark without cooperating with Danish architects with detailed knowledge of the planning and building regulation. So foreign architects who want to work in Denmark are recommended to work together with Danish architects, or as employed architects in Danish companies, at least for the first years. Detailed knowledge of Danish language is also necessary for those who want to cooperate with Danish building workers.
Does a system of CPD for architects exists in your country?Yes
If yes:
Is it compulsory?
Is it encouraged?
Is it free?
If it is compulsory, is it required by law or by a Code of Conduct?Not compulsory
If it is regulated, who regulates the system:
A professional body
A governmental body
A combination of the two?
It is not regulated
Is it organised?The CPD courses offered by the Danish Association of Architects is structured, but there is no overall regulationary system.
Who provides the courses?The Danish Association of Architects, Danske Arkitektvirksomheder (DANSKE ARK), the schools of architecture, other institutions and private firms.
What level of training is provided:Regulation and legislation, sustainability; management; renovation, accessibility, insurance, contracts, business strategies.
Are certain subjects mandatory?No
What types of activities or provisions are accepted:Courses; Workshop, Excursions or visits
Do you have any evaluation criteria for the CPD material?CPD material developed by the Danish Architects’ Association is always evaluated by the participants
Who recognises (accredits) these trainings?Nobody – it is not regulated
Development of the trainings:
A. Estimated number of courses/year
B. Estimated number of participants/year
C. Estimated lesson hours/year
Figures from the Danish Architects’ Association:
A 35 / year
B 800 / year
No figures from other providers, but probably much more than 800 participants per year from these.
Level of requirements for the architects:
Is this required level validated or checked and how:
A. Not requested
B. Attendance tracking
C. Attendance tracking
D. Self-assessment using self-test
E. By regular checks
F. Examination
G. Thesis
H. Other means (e.g. electronic monitoring)?
Is training (provision) delivered abroad accepted?There is no regulation, so any training could be accepted by anybody
What kind of sanction is applied for the non-compliance with CPD obligation:
A. None
B. Reprimand
C. Expulsion from the register
D. Other?
Do you have a database of the content of your CPD programme?The CPD programme of the Danish Association of Architects is found here

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