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In 2004 Architekt Daniel Fügenschuh ZT GmbH- has been established in Innsbruck where is operating from since. Originally in 2000 the architect’s studio has been founded in London. In 1996 a first house has been realized right after graduating setting the foundation for all following steps.

Since 2010 he has actively been involved in the work of the architects’ professional representation after chairing an architecture center in Innsbruck for 4 years.

He further improved his practical experience in political strategies and lobbying for architectural policies on EU level during the infringement procedure against the Austrian national professional law. The Austrian Chamber and himself as President of the Architects’ Section of BKZT were very involved in the negotiation process following the judgement in 2019.

Since 2022 he is Member of the ACE Executive Board and actively involved in the ACE Think Thank and the EU-funded project ARCH-E.

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