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Member organisation(s):
Sveriges Arkitekter
The Swedish Association of Architects
Obligation to insure?
Yes, ( If you use the standard contract an insurance is
Legal Obligation to insure?
Legal Basis:
Commonly used Term and Conditions:
General Conditions of Contract for Consulting Agreements
ofr Architectural and Enginering Assignments for the year
What are the requirements needed in order to obtain
an Insurance? none
Calculation of insurance premium:
Contractual liability:
Liabilities before and/or during the works: Yes
Responsible for the programme and for certain defects.
Not responsible in respect of the budget.
The end of the construction phase as a point of
departure for a period of specific liabilities? Not Clear
Liabilities after work:
Harm to the structure (to its soundness or stability):
No responsibility
Unsuitability for the function: 10 years
Hidden defects: No responsibility
Forms of Insurance contract:
Subscription contract for all liabilities in a
predefined period
Joint and several (in solidum) liability:
Yes, Derogation by contract is possible
Does the insurer respond to a claims made or claims rising
Insurances / Agents:
Duration of Liability:
Professional client:
10 years
Consumer client:
10 years
Liability during and after construction:
10 years

Related Insurances

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