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Member organisation(s): ACA Association of Consulting Architects in Norway NAL Norske Arkitekters Landforbund Obligation to insure? No, but compulsory for members of ACA or NAL Legal Obligation to insure? No, but contracts with professional clients assumes insurance
Legal Basis Commonly used Term and Conditions: NS 8401/NS 8402 in professional relationships (includes a cap i\on the liability) Norwegian law in consumer relationships (not allowed to agree on a cap) What are the requirements needed in order to obtain an Insurance? VAT registration number and tax ID number (some kind of legally established company, but can also be sole proprietorship) Calculation of insurance premium: Calculated from turnover. In big projects sometimes single project insuranceContractual liability: – Liabilities before and/or during the works: Yes – The end of the construction phase as a point of departure for a period of specific liabilities? No – Liabilities after work Harm to the structure (to its soundness or stability): Yes, partly Unsuitability for the function: No Hidden defects: Yes
Forms of Insurance contract: – Subscription contract for all work in a predefined period of 1 year, not covered by single project insurance – Single project insuranceJoint and several (in solidum) liability: In group contracts Does the insurer respond to a claims made or claims rising basis? Both is available in the marked
Insurances / Agents: All the main insurance companies provide the insurance: – Tryg (ACA) – If – Gjensidige (NAL) – Sparebank 1 – Zürich – AIGDuration of Liability: – Professional client: 5 years after the commission has been completed – Consumer client: 5 years after takeover – Liability during and after construction: See above

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