Connexion des membres
Connexion des membres

Work Group

Internationalisation & Groupe de travail sur les nouveaux modèles commerciaux (IBM TF)

Chair: Sergio García-Gasco Lominchar | Vice Chair: N/A

Crédit photo:  © Archetyp Kirche, Austria Architects: Hertha Hurnaus Photo Hertha Hurnaus

Aims and scope

Aim of the WG

  • Explore the impact of internationalisation on the profession.
  • Support measures on how architects might up skill to remain globally competitive and export services.

Main area of interest

  • Improve the global competitiveness of EU architects.
  • Engage with European Commission programmes for the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills, development of new business models and assistance for export activities.

Planned focus and key activities

  • Facilitate a network for experienced architects from Member Organisations’ export agencies/initiatives.
  • Develop key messages to promote the skills of EU architects, for use in trade promotions.
  • Develop international practice/export guide book.
  • Create web-page those seeking partners for international projects or work in third countries.
  • Create web-page for those seeking / offering work experience (traineeships)
  • Develop relationship with EU Commission
  • Participate in trade missions
  • Develop check list for international collaborations
  • Public information on access to finance
  • Provide aid to develop Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) to facilitate access to new markets and reduce regulatory burdens
  • Research practices in third countries.

Meetings: 4 per annum

Membership: 25 participants


  • Sergio
    García-Gasco LomincharView Sergio García-Gasco Lominchar



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