Building education. Planning schools as a measurement of the future” is the title of the 2020 edition of the "Festa dell’Architetto", and, as the title suggests, “the school” is the key theme in the event organised by CNAPPC .

Architect Giuseppe Cappochin CNAPPC President, emphasises the fact that the changes under way today have made it indispensable to go beyond the “industrial” model of education, in which the school consisted of static classrooms and face-to-face teaching, anachronistic in relation to today’s facilities with a new diversified approach to learning and spaces designed to permit “active” teaching.“What we are proposing,” says Cappochin, “is wide-ranging reflection on the impact of architectural decisions on active learning, well-being and socialisation. An opportunity to emphasise that construction of the future and the lives of the new generations is a matter of planning and vision: in other words, of architecture."

Watch the new #EUBauhaus table round discussion with ACE President Georg Pendl, Gonçalo Byrne, Presidente Ordem dos Arquitectos (OA), Carl Bäckstrand and  Diego Zoppi, ACE Executive  Board members.

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