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Photo Credit:  © Architects: Gustav Düsing and Max Hacke - Photo: Iwan Baan

Kraków Declaration : NEB: Heritage & Transformation by ACE, Europa Nostra and ICOMOS

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Time to act:
For high-quality architecture and living environment for all!

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Publication: Panorama of Architecture Policies in Europe

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Introducing the ACE HUB: The ultimate one-stop App for architects in Europe

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Advocating for high-quality architecture

ACE is the representative organisation for the architectural profession at European level. Through its 52 Member Organisations, ACE represents the interests of over half a million architects from 36 countries in Europe.

Its membership currently consists of 52 Member Organisations, including the regulatory and professional representative bodies in all EU Member States, 6 Observers Members  (Serbia, Kosovo, Ukraine, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia and Moldova) from the Accession Countries plus Members with special status (UK, Switzerland and Norway).

ACE’s Mission is to:

  • Influence, through advocacy, EU legislation & policies that impact on our strategic priorities;
  • Be an influential and valued source of authoritative information for the architectural profession in Europe;
  • Act as the unified voice of the architectural profession in the European institutions;
  • Be an effectively networked representative body for EU architects and practices;
  • Create an enabling practice and regulatory environment for architects & practices;
  • Demonstrate the role of architects in creating a truly competitive, enriching and sustainable Europe.
ACE General Assembly, Brussels 2022